EFA 601: Foundations of Education 6 Credit (20-20-20) Cameroon Council for Educational Leadership and Management Society (CCELMS)| Frederick Ebot Ashu

11 Weeks

Students will examine the historical, philosophical, cultural, political, legal, and social foundations and their influence on the teaching profession. Examining one’s own beliefs, values, and goals constitutes a primary theme of the course


Students will develop an understanding of the historical, philosophical, and sociological foundations underlying the role, development, and organization of public, faith and private education


Course Outline

I. Historical foundations of Education

  1. Rational for studying the History of Education
  2. Indigenous education
  3. Pre-colonial Education in Cameroon
  4. Education under German Colonization
  5. French and Britain contributions to educaiton
  6. Education in under the League of Nations
  7. Mandate and the united Nations Trusteeship
  8. Pioneers in education
  9. Curriculum over major historical periods
  10. Review of current curriculum guide and school technology

11.  Education in Cameroon after Independence

  1. Education under the Federal System
  2. Education under the United Republic
  3. Education under the Republic of Cameroon

111.  Educational Goals/Policy Issues

  1. Basic Education
  2. Secondary Education
  3. Higher Education

1V. Philosophical Foundation

v Philosophical foundations

v Essence of Philosophy

v Philosophical terms

  1. Idealism
  2. Realism
  3. Pragmatism
  4. Existentialism
  5. Essentialism
  6. Perenialism
  7. Progressivism
  8. Reconstructionism

v Rationale for studying philosophy of Education

V. African Philosophy of Education

  1. African philosophy of education
  2. Philosophical roots of education
  3. The significance of African Philosophy
  4. Curriculum and instruction

V1.  Sociological Foundation of  Education

  • Definition and focus of sociology in general
  • Definition of sociology as it relates to Education
  • Education and family
  • Society and Education
  • Agents of socialization
  • Social mobility of education

V11.  Sociological Theories of education considerations

Functional Perspective: Emile Durkheim, Talcot Parsons

Conflict theories: Marxist Perspective

Symbolic Interactionist Perspective

V111.  Psychological Foundations

v Definition of psychology

v Psychology as it relates to Education

v Rational for studying psychology of Education

v Some psychological Theories

  1. Cognitive growth (Jean Piaget)
  2. Personal Growth ( Erickson)

1X.  Some psychological Theories Continues


  • Moral Development (Kohlberg)
  • Observational Learning Theory (Bandura)
  • Discovery Learning (Jrerome Bruner)

X.  Attributes of Leadership and school effectiveness

X1. Teacher expectations and students achievements


  • EFA 601-Foundations of Education
  • Post colonial Education after Independence
  • How policy issues affect education in Cameroon
  • Philosophical Foundations
  • African phiilosophy of education
  • Sociaological foundations of Educaiton and social mobility of education
  • Literature review about sociological theories in education
  • Psychology of education
  • Group discussion abotu psychology theories
  • The connection between leadership and school effectiveness
  • Teachers expection and student achievements
  • Historical Foundations of Education
  • Curent state of education in Cameroon
  • Pre Colonial and Colonial Eras
  • Historical Foundation of Education in Cameroon TV Broadcast from LTM
  • African indigenous education and African philosophies of education

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