EDL 603: LEADERSHIP IN EDUCATION: DEPUTIES AND MIDDLE MANAGERS 6 Credit (20-20-20) Cameroon Council for Educational Leadership and Management Society (CCELMS)| Frederick Ebot Ashu

12 Weeks

The programme is designed to provide participants with incrementally greater knowledge, skills and insights into Middle management and  leadership in schools.


This middle leadership training program assist assistant principals and head teachers to play a crucial role in leading excellence in teaching practice and student outcomes.

This Middle Leadership program is set in the context of awakening and acknowledging the role of middle leaders in our schools, university or educational system recognition that focuses on a range of skills including the less often studied inter-related concepts of instructional leadership, understanding how teachers learn and how change wisdom is central to the success of all our efforts.

Topics covered
Week 1
Meaning and purposes of middle leadership
Week 2
Leadership  theories and styles
Great Man Theory,
Trait Theory,
Behavioural Theories,
Contingency Theories,
Transactional Theories
Transformational Theories,
Distributed leadership theory
Leadership styles: Transformational, Autocratic, Authoritative, Pacesetting. Democratic, Coaching, Affiliative, Laissez-Faire etc.
Resources: Leadership theories PowerPoint presentation
Effectiveness of School leadership and management development in Cameroon paper by Dr. Ebot Ashu
Wisdom of the ants video and wisdom of the lion video
Leadership  theory and leadership styles: Power point presentation
Week 3
Transactional, Transformational and Distributed Leadership in modern schools or organisation
Leadership Styles: Transformational, transactional, shared, servant, Charismatic,  democratic, coaching, affiliating, laisser faire,   Autocratic. ...
Resources: Effectiveness of School leadership and management development in Cameroon paper by Dr. Ebot Ashu
Week 4
Issues for deputies and middle leaders- Review an article about middle leadership,  strategies used by highly effective middle leaders
Resources:  Middle leaders paper; the role of middle manager. International secondary school; Continue professional development for middle leaders; What is a deputy head teacher video
Week 5
Team work and middle leadership. Review an article about team work and middle leadership. Understand, and apply in a reflective way, strategies for building sound working relationships and communication; strategies to promote self and team development.
Resources: Good team work and bad team work video
Wisdom of an ant and wisdom of a geese-how to improve team performance; Team success, Inspiring thoughts form nature
Week 6
Group discussion and feedback about middle maanagers: your ideas for your literature review and observation, who is  to be observed and will anybody be interviewed?
Week 7
What do we expect from the analysis of an observation of a school middle manager? Observation  as a method to understand the  roles and responsibilities of a  middle leader,  
Resources: Middle Manager video
What is the role of middle manager video
Leadership management and administrative role of a school leader by Dr. Ebot Ashu
In praise of middle manager
Week 8
Strategies for building and sustaining a learning community – meaning of  Learning community, How Can We Build a Successful Learning Community? Strategies for Creating a Mission-Driven Learning Community
Resources: Ryman 2009 learning community
Creating and sustaining effective learning community
Strategies for building an effective learning environment
Week 9
Departmental requirement for middle leaders development
Developing ' leaders' in the public services? The realities of management and for public managers.
Resources: Developing leaders in the middle video
Perception fo middle leaders development paper
Middle leadership paper
Week 10 Observe a middle leader and report what do we expect from the analysis of an observation?
Group discussion and feedback: your ideas for your literature review and observation, who is    to be observed and will anybody be interviewed?
Week 11 Guest Presentation  on Deputies and Middle Leadership
Week 12 Class discussion: What have we learned about deputies and middle managers?  What are the key issues?



    1. Akoulouze, R., Ongbwa, L., Salla, C., Ndjie, J., Kenne, E., Coadou, J., Ngoube, M., Soucat, I., Itoe, M., Mongue, D., Molinier, M., Martin, C., Tchakou, J., Tondji, M., Morand, M., Eppoh, A., Mouaze, R., Hayatou, O., Kamga, S., Husson, G., Noa, P., Edjang, C., Martin, J. (1999). A Guide for Primary School Head Teachers. Republic of Cameroon: Yaounde:  Ministry of National Education, CEPER S.A. 
    2. Ambassa, L.,  Ngwe, G., Dossing, H.  (2011).  Mapping Transparency and Integrity Deficits in Primary education in Cameroon.  Yaounde: Transparency International Cameroon. [online]. Available from: [http://www.un.org/en/ecosoc/newfunct/pdf/luxembourg_tisda_cameroun_en_web.pd f]. (Accessed July, 2012).
    3. Bennett, N., Wise, C., Woods, P. A., & Harvey, J. A. (2003). Distributed leadership: A review of literature (pp. 1–57). National College for School Leadership. Retrieved from http://oro.open.ac.uk/8534/1/bennett-distributed-leadership-full.pdf.
    4. Ebot Ashu, F. (2018). Leadership, Management and Administrative Roles of School Leaders in Cameroon, International Studies in Educational Administration, 46(2), 110-128.
    5. Ebot Ashu, F. (2020). Theories and Practices of Educational Leadership, Administration and Planning in Cameroon. Limbe: Pres Book.
    6. Ebot Ashu, F. (2019). Leadership and Management Preparation and Development of School Leaders in Cameroon.  In Pontso, M. and Tony Bush (2019). Preparation and Development of School Leaders in Africa. London: Bloomsbury.
    7. Ebot Ashu, F. & Bisschoff, T. (2015). Leadership and Management Development Programmes in Cameroon for primary school leaders. International Journal of Education and Social Science, 2(12), 82-105.
    8. Ebot Ashu, F. (2018). School Leadership and Management Development in Cameroon: A Guide for Educational Systems, Schools and School Leaders. OmniScriptum GmbH & Co. KG, Saarbrucken, Deutschland/Germany: Lambert Academic Publishing.
    9. Ebot Ashu, F. (2014). Effectiveness of School Leadership and Management Development in Cameroon: A Guide for Educational Systems, Schools and School Leaders. Newcatle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
    10. GESP, Growth and Employment Strategy Paper. (2010). Reference Framework for Governmental Action over the period (2010-2020). Yaounde: The Prime Minister’s Office.
    11. Gronn, P. (1999). The Making of Educational Leaders. London: Cassell.
    12. Gunter, H. and Ribbins, P. (2002) Leadership studies in education: towards a map of the field, Educational Management and Administration, 30(4), pp 387-416.
    13. Gronn, P. (2002) ‘Distributed Leadership as a Unit of Analysis’. The Leadership Quarterly, 13(1), 423-451.
    14. Hallinger, P. (1992). School leadership development: Evaluating a decade of reform. Education and Urban Society, 24(3), 300-316.
    15. Hall, V. and Southworth, J. (1997). Headship, School Leadership and Management, 17(2), pp 152-170.
    16. Harris, A. (2001). Building the Capacity for School Improvement. School Leadership & Management, 21(3), 261–270. doi:10.1080/13632430120074419
    17. Knezevich, S.J. (1984). Administration of Public Education: A Source Book for the Leadership and Management of Educational Institutions. New York: Harper and Row Publishers.
    18. MINEDUC.  (2000). The organisation of practical arrangements for the sourcing of state primary schools in teaching and learning materials. Yaounde: Circular 21/B1/1464/ MINEDUC/SG/DRFP. 
    19. MINEDUB. (2001). Budget implementation measures for state primary schools. Yaounde: Circular 21/A/135/MINEDUB/CAB 
    20. MINEDUC. (2011) Completing Circular 21/A/MINEDUC/CAB of on budget implementation measures for state primary schools. Yaounde: Circular 33/A/135/ MINEDUC/CAB.  
    21. Sergiovanni, J.T. (1992). Moral Leadership-Getting to the Heart of School Improvement. Hoboken, NJ: Jossey-Bass.
    22. Tchombe, T. (1997). Structural Reforms in Education in Cameroon. Yaounde: Cameroon. [online]. Available from:http://www.educationdev.net/educationdev/Docs/Cameroon.PDF. [Accessed  December 2010].
    23. Tchombe, T. (1998). Progressive transformative teacher education in Cameroon. Yaounde: Cameroon .  [online]. Available from:http://www.ejournal.aiaer.net/vol22210/5.T.M.%20Tchombe.pdf. [Accessed  December 2010].















  • Steve Jobs talks about managing people as a middle manager
  • Development needs of middle managers: the views of senior managers
  • Development needs of middle managers: the views of senior managers
  • Continuing professional development for middle leaders in primary schools in Hong Kong
  • Professional learning Communities
  • Issues for deputies and middle leaders, the Labour Relations Act, the Cameroon Schools Act
  • Transactional, Transformational and Distributional leadership in the heart of school improvement
  • Inspiring DECODE Middle Leaders
  • Developing ‘middle leaders’ in the public services? The realities of management and leadership
  • Essential middle leadership skills
  • Creating and Sustaining Online Learning Communities: Designing for Transformative Learning
  • Leadership, Management and Administrative Roles of School Leaders in Cameroon
  • Functions of Administrators/Managers, Leaders and Teacher
  • Why Middle Management is the Hard | Leadership Crisis | Simon Sinek
  • Transformational Leadership | Leadership Styles in 21st century | Learn Transformation |
  • Creating and Sustaining Effective Professional Learning Communities
  • Good Teamwork and Bad Teamwork - Teamwork Motivational Video
  • Middle leadership paper discussion
  • What is Distributed Leadership for equity and learning (DLE)?
  • Uganda Leadership Development Program (UGLDP)
  • Team success , inspiring lessons from nature
  • Exploring Management and Leadership
  • Middle Level Leaders Thinkpiece
  • Meaning and purpose of management
  • Goleman Six Leadership Styles YouTube
  • Meaning and purpose of leadership
  • Theories of Leadership
  • Theories of Leadership
  • Leadership Syles

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